Monday, January 4, 2010

new years resolutions

i make these all the time and never seem to keep them, but i guess it's a fun ritual?

+ daily devotions
+ travel more: plans have been made for san diego and/or las vegas
+ more tattoos: hopefully with my tax return i can afford such a thing
+ eating right: this is a popular resolution sure but i back it
+ decrease the size of my surfboard and earn a spot in CSB: this will never happen seeing as im a girl, but i still like to dream
+ graduate college: december 2010 waddup
+ be better at communicating with people: i.e answer my phone/return phone calls/listen to voice mails in a timely manner

i believe most of these are doable. the thing is my savings are decreasing at a fast pace and read at the small amount of $2k. and with 18 credits and an internship this coming semester, earning more money will not be easy. hopefully ill be able to figure out something.

good luck with your resolutions and if you need one go here

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