Monday, June 15, 2009

am i a part of the cure or am i part of the disease?

this is a much overdue post but i just got my pictures back.

coldplay played virginia beach a few weeks back. and although it was my second time seeing them it was a completely new experience.

coldplay is highly involved with oxfam and allows them to travel with them when they tour in america to inform coldplay fans about the different issues they work on. i had the amazing opportunity to lead the oxfam team at the virginia beach show. i got to meet some really tight people and spread the word about a great organization. it was really exciting to be a part of something like oxfam and i hope its not the last time i work with them.

soha is the oxfam coordinator who tours with coldplay for all of the america and canada tour dates: she blogs here

below are some pictures i took of the show it was so rad.

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